Little Update

I love taking my time.

While living the life sometimes it takes me a while to get back to things I enjoy. But I do get back to those things eventually. When I setup this blog it was just to play around with AWS and cloud computing. That's still the goal so, I've began to test using Terraform to provision ec2 instances. It was surprisingly easy to do and has me eyeing the next part of this project which is configuration management with a tool like Puppet. The eventual goal is to automate the provisioning of this blog. Aside from that I'm really liking the AWS way of doing things. Setting up groups and associated permissions is straight forward. Locking down network access and managing api users/keys is so easy I dare say it's nice.

Aside from AWS stuff, I have been spending time in the Linux Audio space. It's so nice these days. Ardour is amazing. Jack, pulse, and alsa are perfect these days not to speak of pipewire which I had issues with but have seen great feedback on. I decided to invest time in PureData after my last post. I remember hating it back in the day but totally digging it now, suppose I got smarter since the last time I touched it. I have a nice little collection of garbage patches. The old ohm64 and mpk mini are serving as nice controllers for these projects. My most recent uses input from mopidy as a sound source, processes the source sound with various effects, and provides mixing of the separate sounds. I have a few parameters mapped to knobs and etc. So far I'm sticking to live input stuff similar to the last project in SuperCollider but hope to make some synth patches.

Well, that's it. I guess it's back to it.